Social Obedience
Classes for your dog to learn manners and live in society, being able to follow basic commands such as: sit, lie down, stay, come to call, relax outside and walk on a leash without pulling.
Puppy Classes
These classes are aimed at puppies from 2 to 6 months of age. Puppies learn to live in society, to interact with other animals, with other people, to relax and pay attention to their humans in a fun way and always at their speed!
Tricks and Skills
Classes to improve the dog-human relationship in a fun way for both. Teaching tricks also improves the dog's body proprioception, which helps a lot in sports such as Dog Frisbee and/or Agility.
Dog Frisbee
Introduction and/or advanced classes in the sport of Dog Frisbee - a sport that allows us to play with our dog, create a bond with them, stay active and at the same time use up the accumulated energy that dogs have.
Behavioral Modification
These classes are for solving and controlling behavioral problems, such as: leash reactivity, resource guarding, separation anxiety, aggression towards people and/or animals, etc.
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